How To Turn Complete Strangers Into Paying Fans

Crowd from stage - Music Marketing BlogHere’s the No. 1 music marketing challenge in a nutshell:

How do you turn complete strangers into paying fans?

Well, why not put your music out there and show off your powerful songwriting and amazing talent? 

After all, the people want entertainment… 

131 Different Kinds Of Marketing
Here's a list of 131 different kinds of marketing all of which have probably been used at some time or another to market music. [pdf download here] The interesting thing is that this is NOT an exhaustive list. What does this tell you? It tells you that marketing is really a way of being. There are infinite ways to go about it, they just don't all have names.

Music marketing mission accomplished, right?

Nope, you’re only just getting started…  Because for every top-of-mind problem there’s a deeper underlying problem. 

What’s this deeper problem?
What are they really looking for?

If you can solve this deeper problem or fulfill this deeper desire, you turn your audience into lifelong fans.  If you don’t, well, they’ve probably already moved on.

People Want A Relationship

So what IS the deeper problem?

People want to be loved and they want to fall in love. They want to see themselves in you. And they want to be part of something bigger than themselves.

They want a relationship.  And with the relationship, comes a powerful investment of identity.

Can a song form a relationship with an audience all on its own? Yes – and when you post mp3s & mp4s randomly around the internet this is what you’re hoping for.  But as actions those random posts only go so far; as action-takers you‘re part of the formula too.  This is where Robert B. Cialdini’s 6 Pillars of Influence come in (see Infographic).

music marketing that makes fans - 6 Pillars of Influence

In a world where music is everywhere, the value-added is in telling a bigger story and sharing on a deeper level, so that a relationship is formed.

Because it’s through the relationship that people are changed in some way.  And it’s up to you to take the first step.

Ultimately, YOU Are The Product

Just as with any relationship that goes beyond a one night stand, what you bring has to be the REAL you or it quickly falls apart.  It doesn’t work if you don’t share who you really are.  You have to open yourself up and be willing to go there.

Like when you’re songwriting, it comes from a place of authenticity, a place of empowerment.

All songs come from a place of empowerment.  But songwriting is as it happens.  When YOU are the product, marketing is ALL THE TIME.  Most of us just aren’t in that empowered space all the time.

[easy-tweet tweet=”With music now everywhere, the value-added is in sharing more of who you are so that a relationship is formed.” url=””]

Hard Truth: The problem becomes getting yourself to do it.

Getting yourself to reach out to the audience, build a fan list, write emails, share your stories, hold promo parties, send free stuff, share ‘behind the scenes’ stuff, run contests, team up with other artists, hold fan socials, get sponsorship, share everything you create, keep people excited and basically lead a movement…

How do you get yourself to go there and be that consistently so you create lifelong fans who will buy what you market to them? Watch the video for a key idea.

You Can Share More Of Who You Are

Ironically, when we focus on what it all means about us, we tend to share less of who we are. 

But when we focus on sharing something greater than ourselves it somehow feels right to share more of who we are.

If you get serious about music marketing, you’ll discover that sharing more of who you are with your audience (online or on stage) is really what it’s going to take.

And if you think deeply about it, at the end of the day, that IS what you’re in this for anyway, isn’t it?

Also see:


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music marketing headshotAaron Bergbusch somehow just couldn't break through the barrier between himself and the audience and achieve the connection he wanted... Until the day came when he grabbed hold of the feeling at the core of the dream and learned how to bring it up on stage. Also known as the Northstar for Rockstars, Aaron is the creator of the Audience Connection Masterclass.



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About The Author

Aaron Bergbusch

Aaron Bergbusch somehow just couldn't break through the barrier between himself and the audience and achieve the connection he wanted... Until the day came when he grabbed hold of the feeling at the core of the dream and learned how to bring it up on stage. Also known as the Northstar for Rockstars, Aaron is the creator of the Audience Connection Masterclass.