The #1 Reason Artists Fail (And What To Do About It)

The Powerful Question That Will Save Your Music DreamWhen things started out, it all seemed so simple…  “I’m Gonna Rock The World!”  And we really believed it. 

I mean why not?  After all, we had great songs.  We really felt those songs.  We knew they were IMPORTANT. 

It was what we wanted to do, and we’d had some success with it… We’d connected with people through music.  Powerful.

But then, for some reason, it all got so complicated.

We needed to see where the money was going to come from.  We needed a marketing plan. We needed merch. We needed crowdfunding. We needed a day job…

“Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage.” — sung by Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins in Bullet With Butterfly Wings.

We needed to get our music heard…  We needed to make demos.  We needed to make pro recordings.  We needed to have photos and press kits, and social media profiles and websites and widgets.  We needed to be everywhere.  We needed to enter contests and to blog and make videos. 

We needed to get publicity…  We needed to network and go to conferences.  We needed to identify our ‘niche’. We needed bandmates and rehearsal space. We needed more and better songs. We needed to design a show.  We needed to book gigs.  We needed to go on tour.  We needed management and booking agents and lawyers and record labels and the list goes on…

Where did it all lead?  Overwhelm.  It didn’t always seem like a lot of fun.  And every step of the way we had to push ourselves to do it.  We had to fight our fear that it wouldn’t go anywhere. Most people actually quit somewhere in this stage.

“I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, But I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes

But what if I told you there’s a secret awareness on the far side of all this blood, sweat and tears…  Something simple that makes it all make sense.  A way out.  Would you give your life for it? (alternatively, just click ‘play’ :))

You may think Billy Corgan was just lucky to be playing grunge when grunge came out, but that’s not it.

He may or may not still feel like a rat in a cage a lot of the time, but I can tell you this – based on everything he’s done in his career, he’s an empowered being.  Beyond fear, beyond anger, beyond pride, there’s courage, willingness, acceptance, and love. 

A bullet with butterfly wings is, after all, pretty useless!

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music marketing headshotAaron Bergbusch somehow just couldn't break through the barrier between himself and the audience and achieve the connection he wanted... Until the day came when he grabbed hold of the feeling at the core of the dream and learned how to bring it up on stage. Also known as the Northstar for Rockstars, Aaron is the creator of the Audience Connection Masterclass.



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About The Author

Aaron Bergbusch

Aaron Bergbusch somehow just couldn't break through the barrier between himself and the audience and achieve the connection he wanted... Until the day came when he grabbed hold of the feeling at the core of the dream and learned how to bring it up on stage. Also known as the Northstar for Rockstars, Aaron is the creator of the Audience Connection Masterclass.