33 Insanely Valuable Music Services Your New Fans Will Actually Pay You For

33 Music Services Your New Fans Will Actually Pay You ForHere’s some news for you, struggling artist…

Despite what you may have been led to believe, you and your music are insanely valuable!

In fact, as a musician and artist, you’re uniquely positioned to deliver the most valuable thing in the world…

What do people want most but can never get enough of?

[Hint: It’s what makes the world go round…]

More on that in the video.  But first, answer me this:

Which of these valuable music services are you providing for YOUR audience?

1. You make them laugh.

2. You welcome them.

3. You help them unwind.

4. You help them release pent up emotions.

5. You include them.

6. You make them feel like they belong.

7. You help them feel anger.

8. You look them in the eye and ‘see’ them.

9. You fascinate them.

10. You show them that they’re not alone.

11. You tell them stories they can relate to.

12. You stoke up their energy.

13. You help them remember.

14. You provide an event where they can meet other people.

15. You ‘wow’ them.

16. You help them get out of their heads.

17. You lift them up.

18. You help them have an out-of-body experience.

19. You help them overcome their own self-consciousness.

20. You get them dancing.

21. You help them feel and recognize something greater than themselves.

22. You rejuvenate them.

23. You help them have fun.

24. You increase their awareness of what’s possible.

25. You provide something beautiful for them to appreciate.

26. You give them a sense of wonder.

27. You inspire them.

28. You give them a sense of purpose.

29. You help them dream.

30. You provide a role model.

31. You give them opportunities to give.

32. You share music with them.

33. You help them to love.

What if you were in tune with ALL the value you’re able to offer as an artist? And what if you actually delivered it?

THIS is the value you can turn into fans and money.  But, what is it that You are bringing up on stage?  Is it Love… or Fear?

Action Step: Which of the above 33 music services apply best to the kind of music you do? Maybe its 4, 7, 10, & 12?  Or maybe 3, 6, 11, & 21? Maybe it depends on the song.

In any case, one way to start delivering value when you get up on stage is simply to have the intention to provide it.
For example, when you get up on stage just truly intend to help your audience ‘release emotions’, or ‘show them that they’re not alone’, or ‘wow’ them, or all three, depending on the show or the song, and then see where it takes you…

Also see:


“Get Our Exclusive Training On How To Magnify Your Presence & Really Connect With Your Audience
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music marketing headshotAaron Bergbusch somehow just couldn't break through the barrier between himself and the audience and achieve the connection he wanted...  Until the day came when he grabbed hold of the feeling at the core of the dream and learned how to bring it up on stage. Also known as the Northstar for Rockstars, Aaron is the creator of the Audience Connection Masterclass.


Email: Aaron@musiciansbreakthrough.com

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About The Author

Aaron Bergbusch

Aaron Bergbusch somehow just couldn't break through the barrier between himself and the audience and achieve the connection he wanted... Until the day came when he grabbed hold of the feeling at the core of the dream and learned how to bring it up on stage. Also known as the Northstar for Rockstars, Aaron is the creator of the Audience Connection Masterclass.